“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well” Hippocrates
Restorative Massage Session Whole Body Wellness
In a Restorative Massage Session, C.O. Bodyworks incorporates myofascial release, deep therapeutic massage, and many other modalities to treat the client for their specific condition. With a thorough assessment, we can determine the problem and work towards a healing solution. Deep therapeutic treatment, Swedish Massage, myofascial release, trigger point release, active and passive stretching, muscle energy techniques are a few of the modalities used during a treatment session. Hot Himalayan Salt stones are used during each session to provide heat and deeper relaxation of muscles. Other tools used during a session could be used are gua sha, moving cups, or fire cupping. This session is used most often for clients who are seeking regular massage sessions to help manage stress, chronic pain, or chronic condition.
Medical Massage Focused Treatments
Medical Massage is a form of massage treatment designed to resolve medical conditions that are diagnosed by a physician. Medical Massage is also used with clients who desire focused work on a certain muscle group. Medical Massage is often used with clients who have had an acute trauma or has been in a motor vehicle accident. With a more in depth intake and assessment of the client’s condition, Medical Massage may focus on releasing scar tissue, reducing inflammation, increasing range of motion in joints, injury recovery from trauma or surgeries, and teaching clients better body mechanics. Sessions are more frequent and can be intense depending on the condition. Medical Massage only focuses on the specific muscle group or joint disfunction and generally, is not a full body massage. Tools like gua sha, cupping or kinesiology tape are sometimes used.